Have you heard of Idina Menzel yet? If not, trust me...you will! Idina will melt your heart...
First, she played Maureen in the off-Broadway and film version of Rent. Then, she was the amazing green girl, "Elphaba", in her Tony award winning performance in Wicked. Now, she is lighting up the music scene with a fabulous CD, "I Stand", of her original songs! Talk about a TRIPLE THREAT!
I had an amazing opportunity to see Idina on tour this week at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center in Tampa, Florida. She brought such an energy of excitement and intimacy to the stage! She was comfortable and elegant...funny and real. She shared about her "wedding singer" roots beginning at age 15 - it was hysterical to see her create the persona of a big-haired, sequined gowned teen adrift in the loung-lizard sea of NY! I can't encourage you enough to catch her when ever possible - and certainly invest in the new CD! See my contest below...
Songs to pay particular attention to include my favorites "Better to Have Loved", "I Stand", and "Defying Gravity". She's such a warm and lovely person on stage - her stage presence and connection with the audience was amazing! She reaches into her soul and captures the essence of love, loss, and adventure....and takes a stand for individuality...WOW!
Stand Amazon.com link to buy: javascript:ol('http://www.amazon.com/I-Stand-Idina-Menzel/dp/B000Z8R2VW/ref%3dpd_bbs_sr_1?ie%3dUTF8%26amp;s%3dmusic%26amp;qid%3d1217285724%26amp;sr%3d8-1');
“Brave” video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjzlt0tdS0A
Idina Widget: http://www.clearspring.com/widgets/48583b018da8aa42
Post a comment on my blog about how you TAKE A STAND to enter. One entry per person. Be sure to include contact email information. I will select one winner from a random drawing of all eligible posts at midnight on Sunday, August 2, 2008. Winner will be notified promptly. The contest sponsor is One2One Network and they will mail the prize package to the winner.
I love Idina Menzel--she is just awesome!!
I take a stand by realizing that even though my choices may not be easy to make, I always have a choice. I choose to follow my conscience in those choices, rather than lie down and let everything wash over me. It's hard, sometimes, standing against the tide, but it can be done. And it makes seeing my own face in the mirror a lot easier.
This is the first I've heard of Idina Menzel - I'm going to have to go check her out on YouTube now... :) I take a stand when I work to reduce my ecological footprint every day. I dry clothes outside, compost, recycle, use a solar oven (husband is baking bread in it right now), bike or walk instead of driving, always buy organic (as much to support organic farming as for our health)... this is one of the most important aspects of my life.
I take a stand by never backing down from what I believe, even in the face of peer pressure.
I love Idina Menzel's voice!
parcelhome at comcast dot net
I take a stand by speaking out for civil liberties and by approaching new people and situations with an open mind.
And I just love Idina Menzel!
I take a stand by taking responsibility for my mistakes, not blaming others and saying "I'm sorry" when my mistake reaches out and touches someone else. Even my kids. Especially my kids.
I loved Idina in Enchanted and had no idea she had a CD out. Thanks!
I took a stand in what I believed in even after everything ended in chaos. It's not easy sticking up for what you believe in
I take a stand by helping people when ever I can!
I take a stand by being stubborn and not letting the wrong people influence me.
i run a sexual assault survivor website. that's how i take a stand
I take a stand by unbending my knee's first..LOL really I take a stand by leading by example and trying to teach my children charity comes from the heart.
you are so fortunate to have seen her. I've seen her on Broadway twice, and she is amazing. you are right...
I take a stand by maintaining who I am, regardless of who comes around or the expectations they try to place on me.
If you get a chance, enter my giveaway:
Idina Menzel is all about creativity, as is Rent and Wicked. I take a stand for creativity in my elementary art classroom every day.
I take a stand by speaking out when I see unfairness - even when it makes me uncomfortable. For example, occasionally people who ride the public transportation will make bigoted comments, sometimes directly to other passengers. I always steel myself, and then tell them off. Scary!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I take a Stand when I live by my core values. And I always tell my daughters, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
I "Take a Stand" by not allowing alcoholic beverages at my daughters' birthday parties.
i take a stand by walking up stairs instead of taking elevators. it's a small step, but it works right?
and i love idina. ah wicked is my favooooorite.
I take a stand by accepting responsibility for my actions, no matter what. jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
Hello, She does have a gorgeous voice. I envy her for being on Broadway. That used to be my dream! I try and take a stand on my issues. I have been a vegetarian for as long as I can remember. I do not like any living creature to me inhumanely treated just to be food or to become a consumer product. Animals can be raised for food without antibiotics or other drugs and be free-range, not shoved in close proximity. I have two teenage sons and I take a stand as their parent. Hopefully, I am living the life that is a good example for them to become even better human beings than I. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi
I take a stand by trying to raise my boys to be good men.
I take a stand by teaching my kids this mantra:
You can make your choices, but you do not choose the consequences; the consequences are built in. You live with the consequences of your choices, so choose carefully.
Too many parents spend their children's lives shielding the kids from the consequences of their choices. Then they send them out into the world and the world eats them alive.
Thanks for having the giveaway!
I take a stand on pet owners responsibilities. I support my local animal shelter and have adopted 2 shelter animals.
I take a stand by researching and warning writers about scamming "agents" and printers masquerading as traditional publishers.
I love Idina Menzel!
I take a stand by advocating for the poor and violated people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Idina rocks! I'm having to take a serious stand with my older DD, who is a handful. I have to stand strong in the face of her attitude and give her some firm boundaries.
I can take a stand by remaining true to myself at all times. Thanks for the contest
She does have a beautiful voice.
I take a stand when I see anyone abusing a pet. If I can't do anything I will find someone who can. Animals can not defend themselves.
I take a stand by not saying yes to everything, even when I feel like I should.
By not allowing others to influence me. When they see me standing for what I believe in, it sends a powerful message!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I take a stand by offering a hand and withholding judgment. I too saw Idina in concert and was very impressed. If she is coming to your town, it is worth every penny to see/hear her.
I take a stand by always being myself. I refuse to bow to what fashion dictates I should look or act like. I am who I am and never apologize for it.
I take a stand at the front of the church for solos!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I take a stand by being true to myself and trying to do the right thing!
Thank you!
'to thy ownself be true' is how I take a stand. I lead by good examples, also.
yourstrulee at sasktel dot net
I take a stand by stnding up for what i believe in!
I take a stand every day at work. All of my colleagues drink and swear, and I do neither even when I'm around them!
I take a stand by knitting hats for chemo patients and visiting with them. Letting them know that they can fight and beat cancer. My husband is in remission currently and the treatment center was so good to us that I just felt the need to give back. I also help raise money to fight Lymphoma.
I take a stand by speaking my mind and doing what I feel is right
I take a stand by not allowing racists into my life. I know we each have opinions, but that is one I cannot tolerate.
I take a stand by speaking up when people gossip about other people. I just tell them I'm not interested in hearing it, sorry. Over time, people learn that I don't have an open ear for that.
I take a stand by being a teacher. Impacting the lives of students.
I take a stand by defending our Constitution when I see it being casually violated by educating my children,niece and nephews and friends about what the constitution means about being an American.
I've never been one to support the status quo. I am compassionate to the underdog and a fighter for human rights ~ especially for the poor and underprivileged. I gather each Wednesday morning in front of a detention center where undocumented immigrants are held in solidarity with their families and friends and their right to be treated as human beings in the land of the free.
I take a stand by being honest, only sometimes that sucks for me lol.
I take a stand on not being pushed around or having to put up with anything that will affect my children!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
I take a stand at work as an advocate for the infants in the NICU. I take a stand to promote bonding with the families and for the most excellent care...
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I take a stand by voting for my country. Great giveaway, thanks! hellomary018 at yahoo dot com
I take a stand every day for animal rights, and for spaying and neutering! I have 11 cats in my foster care right now including two itty bitty little 4 week old babies!
BTW Sunday is August 3rd (not August 2nd) :)
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