My son is now a fresh-person in college, studying at our community college. He achieved the Florida Brightfutures Scholarship which provides considerable assistance, and we're so very proud of his accomplishments! The process can be daunting, but with perseverence - he really pulled his own and got the job done-all the while participating in high school soccer (GO GLADIATORS!, completing his volunteer assignments with the YMCA, and working part-time to help the fam and give himself a few extra $$$$. He seems to be enjoying the rigors of college study with the intention of completing his Associate's Degree at junior college and then moving to a larger state school to earn his Bachelor's in a chosen field....
With college admissions growing more and more selective, the Wendy's High School Heisman program presents a great opportunity to help those students who have managed to balance so much, stand out. This award celebrates high school seniors who excel in academics, athletics, and community involvement; in essence, recognizing them for all of the things they already do. Colleges want to see well-rounded students who demonstrate dedication and commitment, making this program especially relevant and accessible.
High school seniors who have a 3.0 average or higher, participate in a school-sponsored sport and contribute to their community can apply at, or a high school educator, guidance counselor, or coach can nominate them. As a little reward, the first 41,100 applicants will receive a free Wendy's gift card in amounts ranging from $5 to $50. One male and one female from each high school will win the award and continue on in competition for state and national awards. Twelve national finalists will participate in Heisman Weekend festivities during an all-expenses-paid trip Dec. 11-13 to New York City. ESPN2 will feature all 12 national finalists during the Wendy's High School Heisman Awards Ceremony, which airs Dec. 13. The Wendy's High School Heisman website will display the names of all applicants and individual school winners on October 22, 2009.
Here's the scoop directly from their website - ACT TODAY SINCE THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS OCTOBER 1:
Criteria and How to Apply
For the past fifteen years, Wendy's Restaurants have teamed up with the Heisman Memorial Trophy Committee to create the Wendy's High School Heisman Award. The award honors both male and female high school students who excel in academics, athletics and student leadership.
Criteria for Application
We want applications from both male and female student athletes who exhibit excellence in the classroom, on the playing field, and within their communities. Eligibility for application is limited exclusively to men and women whose senior year of high school is the 2009–2010 academic year, who have at least a “B” grade average, and participate in at least one of 27 sports. We want to hear from all student athletes who work hard, are dedicated, and have become role models for underclassmen.
The Application Process
A student begins the application process by selecting Apply Now! An account must be created with name, address, and email information. It is here that students establish their own User ID and password, which will be required to log in, as often as needed prior to the deadline, to complete the application.
Once the account is created, the student can launch the online application. At the initial launch, the student must answer eligibility questions.
Eligible students will then proceed to the remaining sections of the application. They will describe their school involvement, athletic participation and leadership, and relate experiences from community involvement activities. In addition, the student must provide an accurate email address of a school official who will log in to review the application and its contents, and confirm its accuracy.
All of this must be done prior to 5:00 p.m., central time, October 1, 2009.
Applicants should plan on submitting their application in September to allow time for the review.
The reviewer must submit by 5:00 p.m., central time, on October 6.
Very Important Notes
Students must remember their User ID and password until October.
Save the application frequently while logged in.
Log out if you leave the computer.
Be assured your personal, private information will not be shared with anyone outside of the Wendy's High School Heisman Program and selection committee.
Security concerns prevent the use of bookmarks to return to pages within the application. It is recommended, however, to bookmark THIS page.
One of the common oversights is failure to submit prior to the deadline. Applications must be completed and submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., central time, on Thursday, October 1. Reviewers must submit their review no later than 5:00 p.m., central time, on Tuesday, October 6, in order for applications to be considered.
You can follow the selection results online at
I urge you to enter your college-bound candidate today! As a special incentive, I am also running a blog contest FOR A $20 WENDY'S GIFT CARD, COURTESY OF WENDY'S AND MOM CENTRAL:
Please post a comment below about your special High School Heisman candidate and receive an entry. Please be sure to include contact information.
For an extra entry: Follow me on Twitter: @OtterKim
and post a comment indicating that you have and you will receive an additional entry. Maximum 2 entries total per person. I will do a random draw from all eligible entries on October 4, 2009 12:00 midnight. The winner will be contacted for mailing of the prize - must be a US resident. Good luck!
Thank you for participating.
"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Wendy’s and received a gift certificate to giveaway and to thank me for taking the time to participate."