Mom Bloggers gathered in mass recently at the BlogHer10 in metro NYC! Can't wait for BlogHer11 in San Diego-I'm already getting my tickets!
Such great learning and networking opportunity abounded, and some awesome social times...including Swag Suites for enjoy sampling and connecting with vendors/sponsors. Some great finds at the MomSelect Swag Suite, including:
Ionators by Activeion- raffle prize
Safe Bedding and Crib Gear from SootheTime
The Daily Portrait by Milson Road- raffle prize
Pedia-Lax® Fiber Gummies
Cystex® Liquid Cranberry Complex
KinokoTM AHCC®
Temple Touch Thermometers
Zippity Doo's Lice Prevention Hair Care products
BioGaia samples
BNatal samples
Boogie Wipes/Achooz
Charlie Banana Tote Bags
Mickey Mom's Club promotional items
Halo Sleep Sacks
Lil Miss Diva dresses- raffle prize
Mrs. Smith Diaper Bags- raffle prize
Parigi Fashions
Precious Moments books and puzzles
Webkinz Jr. Plush Toys
Extra Dessert Delights from Wrigley
ZhuZhu Pets
Zynks for Drinks
Build-a-Bear Workshop Bears
Perfect collection of products and services to help busy moms like us! The Build-a-Bear, Zhu Zhu Pets, Webkinz, HEXBUG nanos, and Precious Moments were a huge hit with everyone. Perfect for our resident toy testers! These are all going to be TOP OF THE LIST for kids this holiday season! The Precious Moments books and puzzles, as well as a new line of baby gear, are so exceptionally well made and inspirational. LOVE THESE!
The Extra Dessert Delights gum from Wrigley is such a hoot! A fun little treat without the guilt in special dessert-inspired flavors like Key Lime Pie. Highly recommend these.
Thanks again to MomSelect and the great folks at BlogHer10...can't wait til next year!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Sweet Milano Moments....

This summer has been filled with special moments that made me stop to savor the sweetness of life...the special Independence Day Girly Weekend with Krissy at Innisbrook...ahh, the Indaba Spa was amazing! We shared such a meaningful and magical time together-Mommy/Daughter Time was never better!
Playing with our new dog Preston rescued from Pet Pal Rescue, especially fun taking him to new friends for intros or to Petco for a special grooming spa treatment! Love his Orange Creamsicle scent and collar charm!
Cuddling with hubs Ken during a nasty Florida Summer thunderstorm...he's still my White Knight after all these years!
What are some of your special summer sweet moments? Savor them with Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies!
Check out the new Strawberry Milano with a $1 off coupon ( and visit the Milano Facebook Page ( for more special offers and discounts.
Looking forward to savoring special Fall moments together with Milano, too!
Never Shout Never "Harmony" CD @ Target/$7.99!!

Harmony Out Today!!! By NEVER SHOUT NEVER
Don't forget to pick your copy of the new album Harmony out today! You can get it at itunes, Target for $7.99 or grab the exclusive package from your local Hot topic or order it online HERE! This Hot Topic limited edition version includes 2 CDs (1 CD of the album, 1 CD of music with guitar chords lifted), a digipak and pull-out poster with lyrics and chords. It is on sale for $14.99 until 8/30 so get yours before they are all gone. Check out the video of the Hot Topic package here
NEVER SHOUT NEVER Wiith nearly 1 million fans on Facebook and MySpace and over 1 million tracks sold in the US, alternative retro-pop band Never Shout Never is evoking excitement from even the most jaded teen with their debut album Harmony!
Harmony was just released this week and the band will be rocking living rooms across America with their appearance on The Jimmy Fallon Show next Friday.
As a Back-to-School gift, the band is delighting fans and getting the masses ready for their headlining VMA tour by making Harmony available for 50% off thru Saturday only at Target - just $7.99 (sale price available in stores only).
Never Shout Never,
One2One Network,
Monday, August 23, 2010
HPV Testing: Protect Yourself and Your Family

My daughter and I are visiting the family pediatrician for back-to-school preparation, and will be having an important conversation about the HPV Vaccine. Our medical professional advocates for young girls to receive the vaccine, and we will be exploring this important health resource for our daughter. I will also be looking into HPV Testing to learn more about empowering myself and female adult family members/friends to ensure their awareness:
Women 30 and older are their own health advocates by proactively asking their doctor about receiving the digene HPV test along with their Pap smear. Visit the link to - and mention some of the benefits of visiting the site such as the educational materials and insurance information.
In the meantime, learn more about HPV testing at Here you can watch doctor-produced videos, browse frequently-asked-questions, access tips on "what your test results mean" and download/link to educational materials
I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of the QIAGEN digene HPV test. Mom Central also sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.
While you’re learning about the HPV vaccine for your daughter…
…Learn about HPV testing to protect yourself from cervical cancer
• THE PAP TEST looks at a sample of cells taken from a woman's cervix for any cell changes or abnormalities. Pap
testing should begin at age 21.
• THE HPV TEST is conducted from the same sample as the Pap and identifies women with high-risk HPV infections
that can cause cervical cancer. When used with a Pap in women 30 and older, the HPV test increases the ability to
identify who is at risk of developing cervical cancer.
LINKS: HELPFUL WEB RESOURCES ON CERVICAL CANCER PREVENTION - Web site focuses on the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer through HPV screening
and Pap testing. Site includes frequently-asked-questions, patient stories, and tips on “what your test results mean.”
o Follow us on Twitter: @HPVinformed
o Facebook page: – The Yellow Umbrella Organization is founded by cervical cancer survivor and “rocker”
Christine Baze, who takes her music and story on the road to educate women about cancer prevention. Also, visit Christine’s site to purchase a Yellow Umbrella make-up kit to raise money for cervical cancer prevention. - HealthyWomen is the nation’s leading independent health information source for women.
Recently listed as one of Forbes’ top 100 websites for women, has resources on many women’s health
issues, including comprehensive info on cervical and gynecologic cancers. - The Pearl of Wisdom™ Campaign to Prevent Cervical Cancer is a global partnership to raise
awareness of tools for preventing cervical cancer and advocate for making them available to girls and women worldwide.
Buy a pin, send an e-card, and download educational materials.
The digene HPV Test
HPV vaccines are for girls and young women ages 9–26 to help protect against the two types of HPV that are most
commonly associated with cervical cancer. These vaccines are a powerful tool to help protect today’s girls —
tomorrow’s generation of women — from cervical cancer.
But what tools are out there for women today who may be at risk? Learn about what you can do to protect yourself
against cervical cancer:
• If you are age 30 or older, ask your doctor for the digene HPV Test together with your Pap test.
• If both tests come back normal, then the tests don’t need to be repeated for 3 years. But remember to return each
year for your annual health exam.
• If one or both tests come back abnormal, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. It simply enables
your healthcare provider to monitor you more closely or treat pre-cancerous cells before cervical cancer develops.
• HPV testing isn’t necessary for women younger than 30, because HPV infections in young women usually go away
on their own without causing problems. Women under 30 will only have HPV testing if their Pap test is inconclusive.
Trademarks: QIAGEN, digene (QIAGEN Group); Pearl of Wisdom™ (European Cervical Cancer
family medical,
HPV test,
mom central,
Beat the Back-to-School Heat With Tips From Gatorade

Back-to-school time means back to the athletic fields for our, volleyball, and basketball practices, games and championship activities fill our calendar throughout the's all good! However, the heat can be dangerous during these on-field activities. We make sure to have lots of fluids, including Gatorade, available for all the athletes to promote better hydration and replace important electrolytes. Gatorade wants all athletes to get the critical information for our young athletes to play hard and stay hydrated....
Moms play a key role in keeping their athletes safe, so Moms need to understand that young athletes may be at greater risk for heat-related illness and know the ways to prevent it.
Water isn’t enough. While fundamental, water alone does not hydrate and refuel as effectively as Gatorade.
Gatorade supplies the proper amount of fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrates to rapidly put back what your young athlete loses in sweat and provides energy to keep them going.
In drinking water, the brain may turn off the perception of thirst before the body’s overall fluid needs are met and stops the athlete from fully rehydrating. The electrolytes in Gatorade help maintain the stimulus to drink so athletes drink enough to replenish and refuel.
Equipment makes a difference - wear light net-type jerseys, T-shirts and shorts, change sweat-soaked clothing, avoid wearing excess clothing, remove helmets when not playing and remember to stay hydrated.
You can help- download a free Gatorade Heat Safety Kit found at For every unique download Gatorade will donate $1 to “Beat the Heat” charities up to $20,000
Visit the Gatorade Site:
a link to the “Beat the Heat” website where you can download your own Heat Safety Kit
Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses
Heat Illness and Emergencies Heat-related illnesses have many factors involved but can be caused when an individual is subjected to extreme temperatures and humidity and is unable to cool down. Dehydration also can be a factor. Dehydration makes it more difficult for the body to function properly and takes a toll on an athletes’ performance.
Causes of Heat Emergencies
Primary contributors to heat-related emergencies include:
* Heat and high humidity
* Extreme physical exertion
* Layered or rubberized clothing
* Inadequate fluid intake
Risk for Young Athletes
* Children may be less tolerant of heat stress than adults and may be at greater risk for heat illness
Warning Signs – What to Look For
Without taking precautionary measures, young athletes might experience a heat-related illness. In some cases, they might be unaware they are experiencing this condition and continue practicing. Make sure your child knows the signs of heat-related illness and encourage his/her coach to periodically check players during practice or workouts for the acute warning signs of heat illness, which can include:
* Nausea
* Headache
* Weakness
* Fainting
* Poor concentration
* Flushed skin
* Light headedness
* Loss of muscle coordination
* Fatigue
* Vomiting
Equipment Makes a Difference
* Encourage young athletes to wear net-type jerseys
* As they acclimate to the heat, athletes should wear T-shirts and shorts, not pads
* Remind athletes to remove helmets when not playing or scrimmaging and avoid wearing sweatshirts and excess clothing
* Young athletes should change sweat-soaked clothing as soon as possible after activity
Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses
Heat Illness and Emergencies Heat-related illnesses have many factors involved but can be caused when an individual is subjected to extreme temperatures and humidity and is unable to cool down. Dehydration also can be a factor. Dehydration makes it more difficult for the body to function properly and takes a toll on an athletes’ performance.
Causes of Heat Emergencies
Primary contributors to heat-related emergencies include:
* Heat and high humidity
* Extreme physical exertion
* Layered or rubberized clothing
* Inadequate fluid intake
Risk for Young Athletes
* Children may be less tolerant of heat stress than adults and may be at greater risk for heat illness
Warning Signs – What to Look For
Without taking precautionary measures, young athletes might experience a heat-related illness. In some cases, they might be unaware they are experiencing this condition and continue practicing. Make sure your child knows the signs of heat-related illness and encourage his/her coach to periodically check players during practice or workouts for the acute warning signs of heat illness, which can include:
* Nausea
* Headache
* Weakness
* Fainting
* Poor concentration
* Flushed skin
* Light headedness
* Loss of muscle coordination
* Fatigue
* Vomiting
Equipment Makes a Difference
* Encourage young athletes to wear net-type jerseys
* As they acclimate to the heat, athletes should wear T-shirts and shorts, not pads
* Remind athletes to remove helmets when not playing or scrimmaging and avoid wearing sweatshirts and excess clothing
* Young athletes should change sweat-soaked clothing as soon as possible after activity
Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses
Heat Illness and Emergencies Heat-related illnesses have many factors involved but can be caused when an individual is subjected to extreme temperatures and humidity and is unable to cool down. Dehydration also can be a factor. Dehydration makes it more difficult for the body to function properly and takes a toll on an athletes’ performance.
Causes of Heat Emergencies
Primary contributors to heat-related emergencies include:
* Heat and high humidity
* Extreme physical exertion
* Layered or rubberized clothing
* Inadequate fluid intake
Risk for Young Athletes
* Children may be less tolerant of heat stress than adults and may be at greater risk for heat illness
Warning Signs – What to Look For
Without taking precautionary measures, young athletes might experience a heat-related illness. In some cases, they might be unaware they are experiencing this condition and continue practicing. Make sure your child knows the signs of heat-related illness and encourage his/her coach to periodically check players during practice or workouts for the acute warning signs of heat illness, which can include:
* Nausea
* Headache
* Weakness
* Fainting
* Poor concentration
* Flushed skin
* Light headedness
* Loss of muscle coordination
* Fatigue
* Vomiting
Equipment Makes a Difference
* Encourage young athletes to wear net-type jerseys
* As they acclimate to the heat, athletes should wear T-shirts and shorts, not pads
* Remind athletes to remove helmets when not playing or scrimmaging and avoid wearing sweatshirts and excess clothing
* Young athletes should change sweat-soaked clothing as soon as possible after activity
Hydration Guidelines
* Flavored, cold, lightly salted and/or sports drinks like Gatorade improve voluntary fluid replacement by players, especially the younger athletes.
* Athletes need to think about hydration before, during and after physical activity. A player should be fully hydrated before beginning practice or competition. Fluids lost through sweat
and breathing should be replaced by fluid consumption including during workouts, practices and games (physical activity).
* During activity, players should have unrestricted access to appropriate fluids. Thirst is a late indicator of the need to hydrate. Dehydration has occurred once thirst is turned on.
* The best approach, particularly in hot environments, is to have players weigh in and out each day to help determine adequate fluid replacement needs. Following a competition or workout, the coach should have players weigh out and drink enough to match their weight loss. Remember 16 ounces is one pound. For each pound that the player did not replace, the player may need to consume 20-24 ounces to fully rehydrate for the next training session.
* Players should consume food and drinks that contain a liberal amount of salt. Options like sports drinks and nutrition provide some benefit over water because sports drinks give athletes fluid to rehydrate, carbohydrates to fuel muscles and important electrolytes like sodium to help maintain fluid balance.
Types of Heat Illness
* Heat Cramps: Some athletes may experience heat cramps. This type of cramp is the tightening and spasms experienced in large muscle groups (e.g. quadriceps, hamstrings, etc.). It is often preceded by heavy sweating and large electrolyte losses. If a young athlete is experiencing heat cramps, he or she should stop the activity, find a cool spot to gently stretch and massage the muscle and drink appropriate fluids like sports drinks that contain important electrolytes including sodium.
* Heat Exhaustion: Another type of heat illness is heat exhaustion. Signs and symptoms of this problem can include profuse sweating, dehydration, fatigue, lightheadedness, rapid pulse and low blood pressure. Body temperature may be slightly elevated. If heat exhaustion is suspected, the child should lie in a cool place with legs elevated, have cool, wet towels applied to the body, drink cool fluids and have someone monitor their vital signs. With heat exhaustion, often the ill athlete feels better when he or she rests in a cool place and replenishes fluids by drinking cool liquids. Continue to monitor the athlete. If signs are present that the illness is severe or progressing, activate the emergency action plan and follow these emergency action steps, Check-Call-Care. Check the player for signs. Call 911 or the local emergency number immediately. Have someone administer your emergency care plan.
* Heat Stroke: This is the most serious heat-related illness. With heat stroke an athlete will have a high body temperature – 104° F or higher - and could have red, hot, dry or moist skin, vomit, be incoherent or lose consciousness, have shallow breathing and/or a weak pulse. He or she might experience mild shock, convulsions, a coma and can die from heat stroke. If he or she goes into respiratory or cardiac arrest, an adult should begin rescue breathing or CPR, as appropriate. Cool by any means possible, as quickly as possible. Keep an ice bath or “cool pool” nearby so emergency personnel can decide whether to immerse the player. If necessary, trained medical personnel should place the player in an ice bath while monitoring core body temperature and call for emergency medical services (EMS). Continue to cool and monitor the player while awaiting EMS.
What You Should Know if You Coach Youth Sports Lots of moms are out there coaching, assistant coaching and serving the important role of “team mom” and should know the following steps to help prevent heat-related illnesses:
* Allow 10-14 days of light activity in the heat for adjusting to warmer climate/temperatures.
* Schedule practice during cooler times of day.
* Remind players to hydrate throughout the day. Coaches and parents should teach athletes how to monitor their hydration levels by checking the volume, frequency and color of their urine. If they are hydrated, their urine should look like lemonade. If their urine looks dark, like apple juice, they may need to drink more fluids.
* Encourage athletes to weigh in and out before and after practices to determine individual fluid losses. (See “After” section for more details).
* Schedule and enforce frequent drink breaks and rest periods during physical activity
* Remove pads and practice in T-shirts and shorts.
* Reduce intensity and/or length of training with high temperatures and/or humidity.
* When it comes to keeping athletes safe on the field, water may not be enough. While water is fundamental to the body, it does not hydrate as effectively and as a properly as formulated sports drink with sodium.
* Ask athletes to buddy up during practice with a teammate to monitor for warning signs of heat illness.
* Overexposure to high temperature and humidity can cause heat-related illnesses. The National Weather Service issues heat alerts when the daytime heat index (a combination of temperature and humidity) is 105° F or more, which can dramatically increase the risk of the most serious heat-related illnesses. At 80-105° F, fatigue and heat stroke are also possible with prolonged exposure. Athletes playing in the heat for long periods of time wearing protective padding are especially at risk.
* Be prepared by having an ice-filled tub ready for immersing a player in case of an emergency. Carry a cell phone on the field at all times. Know the precise address of the practice or game field and any specific directions required by EMS responders. Remember to cool first before trying to transport the athlete.
* Weigh athletes following practice and compare to their weight beforehand to determine fluid losses. Coaches should monitor athletes to ensure they replace every pound lost during practice with approximately 20 ounces of fluid.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Gatorade’s “Beat the Heat” campaign and received Gatorade samples to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.
back to school,
beat the heat,
mom central
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Nesquik Hosts Live Chat With Olympic Champ Apolo Anton Ohno Today!
I am so excited! As a member of the NESQUIK Shakers, I just learned that Apolo Anton Ohno will be participating in a live chat on the @NESQUIK USA Facebook page ( on August 11th at 10:00 AM EDT. Want to join me? He may answer a question you post!
Back to School With Sam's Club and General Mills Box Tops
Back-to-School time is upon us, my daugher starts back next week! If you're like us, this is such a bittersweet time since back-to-school means the end of summer bliss, but also finds us excited about the new school year...and BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING!
For an easy solution, head to your local Sam's Club from August 11 (hey, that's TODAY!) through August 31 and you will earn cash for your favorite school through their General Mills Box Tops Program. At the Sam's Club Back-to-School event, you can get a head start on your collection and fine 6 Box Tops on particpating General Mills products. With your fav Box Tops for Education brands at a great value, Sam's Club will be your one-stop for all the supplies you need to send the kids off well fed and prepared to face the school year (at a great price)...we stocked up on our favorite Big G cereals!
I visited our local Sam's Club this week and found everything the kids needed for their school supplies including wipes, tissues, markers, notebooks, binders, pencils, and the most awesome Pentel Writing Pack with 19 useful pieces for a super low price! Love it!
In addition, Sam's Club is running a promotion for current members - if you upgrade to a "Plus Membership" from August 6-13 you can earn extra Box Tops for your school. Just visit the Member Services Desk of your local Sam's club and upon payment for your Plus Membership, you will receive a certificate for 150 Bonus Box Tops! For more information on how you can take advantage of this great offer, visit
and learn more about the great advantages of Sam's Club Membership:
I am pleased to host a contest on my blog for a $25 Sam's Club gift card for you to help with school supplies. Please comment on this blog post and tell me which General Mills Box Top items you plan to purchase during the Sam's Club Back-to-School Event. One comment per person. A winner will be selected from all comments received via random draw. Deadline for entry is August 20, 2010. US residents only.
I received a Sam's Club prize pack of a $25 gift card and Plus Membership upgrade plus an additional package as a blog contest giveaway from Sam's Club and General Mills through MyBlogSpark participation to help facilitate my candid review.
Nature Made SAM-e Complete - Contest
I have to be honest, some days can really get to me - ya know? I try to take good care of myself in mind, spirit and body, but a little bit of life can sometimes go a long way...
From the trusted brand, Nature Made, a supplement clinically proven to naturally support a healthy mood has now become part of my daily supplement routine which also features a multi-vitamin and immunity support. SAM-e is a naturally occurring compound which helps to maintain a balanced mood. Ya know the adage that, "If momma ain't happy, then ain't nobody happy"?...well, this is definitely helping to put things into perspective for me and my family!
Nature Made SAM-e Complete helps replenish your body's natural levels of SAM-e which decrease with age. When taken daily, it can begin to help naturally restore a healthy mood in as little as 7-14 days. For more information, visit their website:
I also wanted to let you all know about a cool campaign Nature Made SAM-e Complete recently launched called “Give a Smile,” They are working with Dream Factory, the second largest children’s wish-granting organization in the U.S., to grant the wishes of three children suffering from a critical or chronic illness. Through this campaign SAM-e will donate to a child’s wish for every social action you or your readers complete (like uploading an image to their mosaic). The more actions, the more SAM-e will donate. You can find out more about the program using the link above and learn how your actions lead to SAM-e donations!
I am pleased to have the opportunity to one of my readers for a chance to try Nature Made SAM-e by hosting a giveaway on my blog for a 3-month supply as well as a reusable water bottle, and journal. Please comment on my blog about what helps to put you in a better mood. One winner will be randomly selected from all entries. One entry per person. Contest deadline is August 14, 2010 12 AM.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Nature Made and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review.
From the trusted brand, Nature Made, a supplement clinically proven to naturally support a healthy mood has now become part of my daily supplement routine which also features a multi-vitamin and immunity support. SAM-e is a naturally occurring compound which helps to maintain a balanced mood. Ya know the adage that, "If momma ain't happy, then ain't nobody happy"?...well, this is definitely helping to put things into perspective for me and my family!
Nature Made SAM-e Complete helps replenish your body's natural levels of SAM-e which decrease with age. When taken daily, it can begin to help naturally restore a healthy mood in as little as 7-14 days. For more information, visit their website:
I also wanted to let you all know about a cool campaign Nature Made SAM-e Complete recently launched called “Give a Smile,” They are working with Dream Factory, the second largest children’s wish-granting organization in the U.S., to grant the wishes of three children suffering from a critical or chronic illness. Through this campaign SAM-e will donate to a child’s wish for every social action you or your readers complete (like uploading an image to their mosaic). The more actions, the more SAM-e will donate. You can find out more about the program using the link above and learn how your actions lead to SAM-e donations!
I am pleased to have the opportunity to one of my readers for a chance to try Nature Made SAM-e by hosting a giveaway on my blog for a 3-month supply as well as a reusable water bottle, and journal. Please comment on my blog about what helps to put you in a better mood. One winner will be randomly selected from all entries. One entry per person. Contest deadline is August 14, 2010 12 AM.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Nature Made and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review.
mom central,
natural supplements,
Nature Made,
Summer Breakfast Adventure with General Mills
The summer is flying by (literally) - but we're "launching" a fun breakfast adventure with General Mills cereals including Trix with Fruitalicious Swirls! General Mills has partnered with Nickelodeon's The Penguins of Madagascar for an action-packed and nutritious breakfast. We are having flying penguins all over the house - and it's so much fun!!!
Inside specially marked boxes of General Mills cereals, you'll "commence opertions" with one of five characters from The Penguins of Madagascar, who we all loved from the Madagascar movie series. Each participating cereal box has a cool plastic launcher of Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, Private or King Julien. Use the launchers to join the penguins on "missions" like Dive In, Soldier; Longest Penguin Propulsion Launcher; Clear the Wall, or Target Practice. The missions are all outlined on the cereal boxes...The characters make a great team, and the new release of The Penguins of Madagascar Operation DVD Premiere with awesome DreamWorks animation. This is the world premiere of the Penguins Crew's feature-length DVD. My kids are having a blast at the breakfast table every morning while I really appreciate the Whole Grain nutrition.
The promotion is while supplies last. Please visit General Mills websites for more information:
ENTER TODAY!: I am pleased to host a blog contest for one lucky winner to receive a Big G Penguins Prize package of a box of Trix cereal, a Penguins of Madagascar launcher, and the new Penguins of Madagascar movie, The Penguins of Madagascar Operation: DVD Premier. Please post your comment on this blog and tell me which character from Penguins of Madagascar is your child's favorite? Contest ends on August 16, 2010; 12 AM. One winner will be randomly selected. Winner will be notified by email and must be a US resident.
I received a Big G Penguins Prize Package of a box of Trix, a launcher and copy of the DVD Penguins of Madagascar Operation: DVD Premiere from General Mills and Nickelodeon through MyBlogSpark as well as a second prize package to be sent to the blog contest winner to help facilitate my review.
General Mills,
Penguins of Madagascar,
Monday, August 2, 2010
Cool Perfection in the Heat of Summer-Contest
Wow, is it just me...or is it really, really hot out there???
We've been hitting the local rec pool this summer for some cooling relief, but the evenings are just perfect for a cold treat. I love to add some of the new Breyers Smooth & Dreamy frozen treats to our dessert menu. They are also great to add to a picnic tote for the pool or beach! I have been a Breyers girl for a long time - nothing can compare with their all natural vanilla, in my opinion! With six rich and creamy flavors such as Chocolate Carmel Brownie, Vanilla Caramel chip, Chocolate chip Cookie Dough, Chocolate Covered Strawberry, Vanilla Fudge Brownie, and Triple Chocolate chip, these amazing bars and sandwiches offer a little something cold and declicious for everyone. There are no artificial flavors or colors and sport only 160 calories or less and 4-6g of fat per serving - great for helping to stay bathing suit ready!
Breyers is currently hosting a fun contest, Breyer's Wheel of Delights Instant Spin and Win, on their website located at:
Be sure to visit and enter today!
My friends at Mom Central and Breyers have provided me with four coupons for a free box of the Breyers Smooth & Dreamy treats. I have four coupons to give away to my readers. Please post a comment on this blog and tell me which Breyers Smooth and Dreamy flavor you would like to try. I will randomly select four winners from all entries. One entry per person. Open to US residents only. Be sure to include a method of contact so I can reach you if you are a winner. Please post your comment by 12 AM Saturday, August 7, 2010. If winner cannot be reached, an alternate winner will be selected. Thank you for participating!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Breyers and received products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.
frozen treats,
ice cream,
mom central,
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