Now that fall is in full-gear the scheduling insanity has struck! Lots of running and transporting the family to various activities and obligations is creating some serious havoc at the Fritz House. After doing some research I've located a great resource to help us "keep it together" in the face of all the chaos...
I'm loving www.Qlubb.com This outstanding service is available to help me organize and maintain the book club, work groups, PTA groups, church committees, etc. It's very easy and user-friendly, too. Qlubb is a web-based service that helps organize your groups online. I am very active at my daughter's school, Our Savior Lutheran School. I have assisted for over 13 years with their fund raising activities, and this will be a tremendous blessing to me as I begin organizing our auction planning committee and book fair volunteer group for the school. Whew!
Features include an event calendar, sign-up sheets, member rosters, a task reminder service, and bulletin boards for all members of the identified community group to access and share on their computers. Qlubb offers secure sign-in to protect group info and access; however, participants don't necessarily have to register to use it - but once they explore the features, I doubt anyone would want to pass up such a great opportunity!
If you are a busy gal or guy with group involvement, this site is worth a visit:
And for those of us who need a little more baggage to help keep their family life in balance while "on-the-go", here's a fun contest to participate....
One winner will be randomly selected to receive one fall-colored quilted tote bag! (similar to Vera Bradley style)
Entrants may submit one comment entry to this blog thread for an entry. US mailing address only. Please share your favorite organizational idea that works for you in the Comments. Please ensure contact information is provided so winner may be notified. One winner will be selected from submissions received by deadline of 12 Midnight, Sunday-September 28, 2008. Winner will be contacted for mailing information. Prize Value: $50
Thank you for visiting my blog and for sharing your special organizational ideas with us!!!
my ways to organize- first thing is get a calendar- like a monthly write on that is separated by times and for each person and get a date calendar you carry- do not depend on memory or little notes here and there- write it down and look at it..
also I have totebags for libary- school- different errands and places and keep the items in there!
I'm such a disorganized person by nature. My way to organize is to plan everything. My datebook is filled each day with things I need to do (cleaning, library books due, appointments). I would be totally lost without it.
to organize -- I try to keep all my lists in one book on the counter by my keys that way when I have to go out I can do everything that is in that area and not worry about not having my list or coupons! Saves time and GAS!!
I need a calendar. I make a goals list of things I need to accomplish and an outline on how to accomplish them. I am a homeschool Mom and have to have a plan.
My organizational tip is a weekly calendar that I put daily menus on. I plan the week in advance knowing what meetings are scheduled and who will be here to eat. Then grocery shopping is much easier and I am not running out to the grocery store every other day.
I try to organize and does not always work- do the calenedar but everyone has to add to it for it to work
My organizational tip may sound kind of different - but every time I buy something new as far as clothes . .. I give something away! This way I don't really have to worry about accumulating too much stuff.
I'm a basket girl. I keep a basket of toys in the front room, kitchen and computer room. The main set of toy are downstairs, but the upstairs stays nice and tidy...and it's not over-run with toys!
I found these great zippered mesh bags called Kids Klutter Katchers that are great for organizing my children's little small toys and playsets. I can put, say, a bunch of lego in a zippered bag and toss it in the toy box. The bags are sturdier than ziplock bags and easier for preschool hands to open and close.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
The best thing that works for me is to have monthly sessions where I get rid of things I don't need or use - I make myself be ruthless, and it is amazing how much it helps!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I'm a person who keeps lists...without them I'd never get anything accomplished!
I keep a large (rather unsightly) dry erase calendar in hallway leading up the stairs to our bedroom. It shows 4 months at a time and everyone in the house can quickly reference it. Great for appointment. Now if only I could remember where I put my keys!
I have 4 children, so when it's laundry time there's always a bunch of clothes to put away. Each child has his or her own personalized plastic tub to make sorting easier. When I fold clothes, I put each item in the appropriate tub then call the kids to come collect their tubs and put away their clothes. Even the little one (age 4) can use this system. I've joked that I need to make one for my hubby, too...he might be more motivated to put away his clean laundry!
The think that keeps our family together is the calendar. Everyone has their own line and puts in their events. It makes it so easy to see who is going where when.
mathbook28 at gmail dot com
I try to stay organized by making lists for everything and having a planner.
I am also all about making lists. There's something about having things written down that makes me feel better knowing that I'm not forgetting something and I love the feeling of crossing things off the list as they are completed.
I leave baskets or bins in each room to throw all of the extra lingering stuff in and we put it away at the end of the day.
I have a Dry-Erase board calender and it is a live saver. If I need to change an appointment time I just wipe it off and put in the correct time.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I use baskets--baskets of books, of papers, and crafting stuff, and fruit! It keeps me more organized, and looks prettier than piles!
My favorite tip; Make sure everything has a place. If you don't know where it goes when you're done with it it's impossible to clean up!
I keep a calendar at home for the whole family. Everything goes on the calendar- doctor appointments, special events, errands to run and general to-do stuff. I keep a small notepad in my purse. If something comes up, I write it in the notebook. At the end of the day, I put anything in the notebook on the calendar. I also take that time to see what's on schedule for the next day. It seems to work for us.
We use a dry erase/cork board and x-large calendar to keep track of our schedule. There is a cork board section on one side, and the dry erase board on the other. We use the cork board section to put papers with information about activities (x-large tacks at Staples for 25 cents for 4! and the dry erase section (marker attached with tack to corkboard side) to write down anything important information we need to remember for the month or a note to each other. Below on the wall is a large calendar (dollar store with big spaces) where we write what is on the agenda for that day/month.
We also purchased a large corkboard to tack up the kids friends pictures right in the kitchen. That way when one of them walks into the door, they feel important & special. Also, makes more room in the kids rooms to keep them in a general area! LOL
Good luck everyone!
I have a couple of standing file boxes on the kitchen table. That way, I can sort and put away papers/mail right away instead of letting them pile up.
reducing the amount of stuff we have.....get rid of things that just cause clutter and aren't really needed.
man...i have shelves and bins and boxes its horrible too much stuff not enuff room
I have a good sized waste paper basket and shredder where I sort my mail. I immediately throw away junk mail and shred things like credit card applications. It helps keep down the clutter.
Im a list maker,months in advance,an I have a erase month calendar that hangs up,plus one in my purse,if it isnt written down,ill forget,so everything goes down on paper
I never let piles of "stuff" just sit around. Every day I dispose of what needs to go, because I know if I don't, I'll put it off until I'm buried in junk! Thanks!
To keep my clothes organized, I give away a pieces of clothing every time I buy something new.
To keep the house clutter free my motto is "Touch Only Once". This means pick up mail, go thru it, pay bills, toss junk and file rest. Pick up socks off the floor put them in laundry.
I use a calendar and peg board to keep track of the kids activities. I also have a notebook with all my important info and passwords and such in it. And most of all totes..you can't have too many!!
the way i keep the art supplies organized is i put them all in separate plastic containers and make sure to label each one, and when i put them away i make a list of where everything is.
I try to stay organized all the time and have baskets, containers and shelfs to keep everything organized. My daughter has a calender on her bedroom door and has every activity wrote on it with the time and each day it is marked off for easy reading. I also have started buying space bags for traveling to keep cloths organized in suitcase.
Thank you for your time, effort and information. Thank you for providing us with these awesome contests.
My organize thing is the 3M jumbo command hooks. I have two girls and I use two hooks for each of them. One hook for coat, Jackets, and hats. One for bags, backpacks, purses. It keeps my entry way clean.
I love to have everything organized,my motto, "everythig has its place" and I like to know where it is.I am a fan of lists ,because I know I will forget or get sidetracked.I like to keep things I use everyday out and put things away ,I don't like clutter.
Count me in to win this wonderful tote
I have a few of those plastic shoe boxes and I just throw stuff in there. Then when they get to full I just go through them and get rid of whats not needed. Not a great one for organizing I guess.
In the office I have everything in a file or folder box and they are labeled! I love being organized
mom2maria at hotmail dot com
PLEASE COUNT ME IN ON THIS AWESOME GIVEAWAY :)i have so much stuff everywhere ;(
One great way I organize is to use lots of bins. I use bins for clothes, toys, first aid. They are sold in differents sizes and colors so each child has thier very own color so there is no confusion on whose clothes are whose.
I use huge magnets on my security door for important papers and coupons.
I LOVE Vera Bradley so I'm thinking that this tote would be a great thing to win!!! :) m_huston(at)hotmail(dot)com
It's all about lists! I absolutely have to make a list and post it where I can see it. We also keep track of appointments and schedules via an online calendar. Everyone has access and it makes life much easier
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
Only keep the things you love or need.Handle something once, then make a decision about it.Tackle one drawer. Or one shelf. Do it for 5, 10, or 15 minutes at a time and set a timer. And work quickly don't let yourself get distracted.
Thanks for the giveaway
NADIA! Thank you for visiting my site and participating in this contest.
Thanks, Kim!
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