I have enjoyed a VERY PINK OCTOBER, have you? We waved and cheered this morning as friends and neighbors walked their final leg of the the local 3-Day Walk for the Cure along our street! I counted in my closet, and I have a total of oi PINK ITEMS - it's my small part. It is such an inspiring and passionate outreach for such a worthy cause. October marks National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as a result, many organizations and brands have developed efforts supporting this cause. Throughout September and October, a variety of Dannon products will help support the cause, not only by raising money, but also by increasing awareness for a disease that affects women and families at a staggering rate - with more than 290,000 women diagnosed every year. Dannon pledges to donate at least $500,000 dollars to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation, but they hope to increase that donation to $1.5 million dollars this year.
Under the lid of specially-marked Dannon products you will find a unique code. With each code entered at www.cupsofhope.com by November 30, 10 cents will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. ® (NBCF). The money raised will go to the NBCF, to provide women free mammograms and support breast cancer research nationwide.
Such a worthwhile and important cause...so enjoy your morning Dannon yogurt this month and submit those codes TODAY!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Dannon. In addition, I received a gift certificate and products to thank me for taking the time to participate.