I was so thrilled to be selected to participate as an EA Sports Active for Wii ambassador! Ammo Marketing provided me with two copies of the game (one to keep and enjoy for our family and one to share with my workout buddy, Kristin O.!) Plus we received a fun water bottle, headband, House Party kit, and gift card for the party! I hosted a fun event for friends and family to try out EA Sports Active....
I've been at it for over a week and I'm all about "Active"! My entire family has created their profiles and we're enjoying earning our trophies, etc. I am truly feelin the burn after a full workout, especially the inline skating - WOW! I have some back and knee challenges, so using the EA Sports Active provides me with an amazing workout that is reasonably low-impact on my body. I can't ask for more - other than to kick my hubs off the TV so I can work out some more!!!
I'll post some updates as I proceed through my 30-day Challenge that began on June 1st!
Visit EA Sports Active at:
Here's some tips from Ammo Marketing/EA Sports:
Here are a few practical steps to help support your success during the 30-Day Challenge:
Write down your primary goal. Be specific: Whether you want to lose fat, tone muscle, or get active, give yourself one major objective for the 30-Day Challenge and put it on paper. Remember to be realistic and set yourself up for success. Trying to lose 30 pounds in 30 days isn’t safe or probable, so examine your goals and make sure they’re in line with what’s healthy.
Schedule your workout time. Plan the date, time, and place of each session in Outlook or your day planner. You'll be less likely to allow meetings or social events to interfere with your workouts. Be sure to block off a big enough chunk to account for any time needed to change your clothes, shower—the forgotten factors that doom workouts.
Share your story, goals, challenges and successes with others. This will help you stay accountable and gain support from your friends, family and community.
Enjoy your second week of the Challenge and don’t forget to stay Active!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
THROWDOWN: Double Daring Book for Girls
It's summer, and we're getting creative here at our house - we are thoroughly enjoying the latest and greatest by Andrea Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz, The Double-Daring Book for Girls. It's perfect for my daughter Kristen - and her friends...chock full of fun, no-holds-barred ideas and opportunities for girls to explore.
The book is ideal for a hot, summer day to learn about how to start a mother-daughter book club, create paper beads, play dominoes, or even...how to run away and join the circus!!! We've already started planning out our summer evenings and weekends to include many of the amazing activities in this incredible book....
Here's our thrown down challenge to all our readers:
Let's all highlight our hair with Kool-Aid!! (yes, you are reading this correctly, my friend...pull out those 25 cent packages and get colorful!!!) Get colorful, silly and creative with your girl - it's a fun time sharing a wickedly outrageous beauty makeover without a big commitment. We can't wait to tell our friends, "Does she, or doesn't she? Only Mr. Kool-Aid knows for sure!"
What You Need -
Two packages of your favorite unsweetened Kool-Aid color (the longer and darker your hair, the more packets you'll need)
Aluminum Foil
Pipe Cleaner, paintburhs or new toothbrush for application
Shower cap or plastic wrap
Plastic gloves
Mixing bowl
Kool-aid highlights are a great solution for darker hair, which doesn't absorb the Kool-Aid color as dramatically as lighter shades. You'll be applying concentrated amounts of Kool-Aid color to dry strips of hair.
BEWARE: This project is messy and Kool-Aid will stain. Wear an old tee shirt to protect your clothes - have a buddy help you. Or best yet, do each other!
In a medium bowl, mix two packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid with several generous dollops of hair conditioner (about twice as much as you would normally use on your hair. Stir until forms a nice paste with no lumps. For more vibrant color, and to help the dye stick, you can add a teaspoon or two of vinegar.
Grab a small section of hair, and use the pipe cleaner, paintbrush or toothbrush to apply the paste from the root to the tip. Once you have the paste spread on evenly and generously, wrap that section of hair in tin foil and go on to the next section. Once you've done that to all the sections you want to color, use a hair dryer (on low) on foiled sections to bake in the color and dry the hair. Remove the foil when you're done.
You can use toothpaste to remove any staining to skin. Just take a dab of regular toothpaste (no special kind needed) and gently rub it on the stained skin. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone.
Kristen and I are headed to the pantry to pick out our flavors...ugh, colors....to freak out our "do"...what color are you going to try?
Please comment on my blog to tell us about your Doubling Daring Girly experiences...we can't wait to hear from you! We'll post photos next weekend to share with everyone!
Special thanks to MotherTalk for providing us with a sample copy of the book to enjoy and share with our readers....check out the book at Amazon.com or your local library and book store for lots of great ideas and adventures to share with your special gal!
The book is ideal for a hot, summer day to learn about how to start a mother-daughter book club, create paper beads, play dominoes, or even...how to run away and join the circus!!! We've already started planning out our summer evenings and weekends to include many of the amazing activities in this incredible book....
Here's our thrown down challenge to all our readers:
Let's all highlight our hair with Kool-Aid!! (yes, you are reading this correctly, my friend...pull out those 25 cent packages and get colorful!!!) Get colorful, silly and creative with your girl - it's a fun time sharing a wickedly outrageous beauty makeover without a big commitment. We can't wait to tell our friends, "Does she, or doesn't she? Only Mr. Kool-Aid knows for sure!"
What You Need -
Two packages of your favorite unsweetened Kool-Aid color (the longer and darker your hair, the more packets you'll need)
Aluminum Foil
Pipe Cleaner, paintburhs or new toothbrush for application
Shower cap or plastic wrap
Plastic gloves
Mixing bowl
Kool-aid highlights are a great solution for darker hair, which doesn't absorb the Kool-Aid color as dramatically as lighter shades. You'll be applying concentrated amounts of Kool-Aid color to dry strips of hair.
BEWARE: This project is messy and Kool-Aid will stain. Wear an old tee shirt to protect your clothes - have a buddy help you. Or best yet, do each other!
In a medium bowl, mix two packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid with several generous dollops of hair conditioner (about twice as much as you would normally use on your hair. Stir until forms a nice paste with no lumps. For more vibrant color, and to help the dye stick, you can add a teaspoon or two of vinegar.
Grab a small section of hair, and use the pipe cleaner, paintbrush or toothbrush to apply the paste from the root to the tip. Once you have the paste spread on evenly and generously, wrap that section of hair in tin foil and go on to the next section. Once you've done that to all the sections you want to color, use a hair dryer (on low) on foiled sections to bake in the color and dry the hair. Remove the foil when you're done.
You can use toothpaste to remove any staining to skin. Just take a dab of regular toothpaste (no special kind needed) and gently rub it on the stained skin. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone.
Kristen and I are headed to the pantry to pick out our flavors...ugh, colors....to freak out our "do"...what color are you going to try?
Please comment on my blog to tell us about your Doubling Daring Girly experiences...we can't wait to hear from you! We'll post photos next weekend to share with everyone!
Special thanks to MotherTalk for providing us with a sample copy of the book to enjoy and share with our readers....check out the book at Amazon.com or your local library and book store for lots of great ideas and adventures to share with your special gal!
Double Daring Book for Girls,
summer fun
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Go Ask Your Mama!

Mamapedia™ is...
- For mothers with kids of all ages
- Questions by moms, answered by moms who’ve been there
- Over a million answers on everything from Acne to Zoos
- Easily searchable and browsable
- Updated daily
- 100% free
All this and soooo much more....What's not to LOVE????
I have a million questions and less than a million answers about my kids - my guess is you feel about the same, right? I've fallen in love with Mamapedia (http://www.mamapedia.com)!
It's chockablock filled with great info as you search on important topics that I'm wrestling with such as summer camps, insights on teens, and talking with your daughter about sex. Wow - I personally don't have a mother to go to for these types of advise, so this amazing online tool is a tremendous help for me as a parent! There's so many great topics and contributions from mom's just like us! Plus there's relevant reviews and product ideas. It's dynamic and interactive - just like all us Mama's!!! Register for their Mamasource Community to get updates and topical connections with other members in your community - it's so cool!
My most recent search resulted in some fascinating tips and recommendations.
I highly recommend checking out this great resource for your next BIG QUESTION!
mom central,
online parenting resource
Where Did May Go...Summer and CPR!
Wow, I've been having some technical difficulties compounded by a crazy month of end-of-school year madness....I haven't posted in such a long time! Sorry to keep everyone is suspense. Thanks to many of you who reached out to check on me!
Back to business now that the school year has ended and lots of fun summer programs, events and activities are on the horizon. We're planning a few day-trips throughout the summer which will be capped with our amazing once-in-a-lifetime exotic trip to Cabo Mexico in late summer! We' can't wait...
There will be lots of water play activities at the pool and beach, so now is the perfect time to do a lifesaving refresher course....My son, husband and I have certifications but an annual review is very important in an emergency.
The American Heart Association has launched a critical campaign this month (JUNE) to begin the National CPR and AED Awareness Week. I'm pleased to help share this info and raise awareness for everyone to get trained in this life-saving skill.
I was thrilled to learn about a new opportunity for an in-home resource:
If you took a CPR course when your preschooler was a baby, you're overdue for a refresher! Studies have shown that your skills can deteriorate over time - The American Heart Association recommends taking a course every two years, but its at-home CPR Anytime Kit (retail $35) lets you practice in the convenience of your own home and at your schedule! In just 22 minutes, you can learn CPR. The kit comes with an inflatable, reusable mannequin and instructional DVD. There are infant and child/adult kits available.
Mom Central and the American Heart Association provided our family with the CPR Anytime Kit to try at home, and we all took turns practicing and reviewing the information. It was so quick, easy and convenient! I also shared this with our Girl Scout troop to help the girls learn some preliminary basics. It will be great to help my daughter when she is old enough for babysitting in the next couple of years!
Back to business now that the school year has ended and lots of fun summer programs, events and activities are on the horizon. We're planning a few day-trips throughout the summer which will be capped with our amazing once-in-a-lifetime exotic trip to Cabo Mexico in late summer! We' can't wait...
There will be lots of water play activities at the pool and beach, so now is the perfect time to do a lifesaving refresher course....My son, husband and I have certifications but an annual review is very important in an emergency.
The American Heart Association has launched a critical campaign this month (JUNE) to begin the National CPR and AED Awareness Week. I'm pleased to help share this info and raise awareness for everyone to get trained in this life-saving skill.
I was thrilled to learn about a new opportunity for an in-home resource:
If you took a CPR course when your preschooler was a baby, you're overdue for a refresher! Studies have shown that your skills can deteriorate over time - The American Heart Association recommends taking a course every two years, but its at-home CPR Anytime Kit (retail $35) lets you practice in the convenience of your own home and at your schedule! In just 22 minutes, you can learn CPR. The kit comes with an inflatable, reusable mannequin and instructional DVD. There are infant and child/adult kits available.
Mom Central and the American Heart Association provided our family with the CPR Anytime Kit to try at home, and we all took turns practicing and reviewing the information. It was so quick, easy and convenient! I also shared this with our Girl Scout troop to help the girls learn some preliminary basics. It will be great to help my daughter when she is old enough for babysitting in the next couple of years!
American Heart Association,
mom central,
water safety
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