I am pleased to have been selected as a Fishful Thinking Ambassador. I received my Resource Kit in the mail today! I will be using these materials as I work with the Girl Scouts, YMCA, Our Savior Lutheran Church and School, Parenting Groups, friends/family/neighbors, and other community activities to share these great messages of inspiration and positive parenting! The Program even provides some incentives each week, and I'm pleased to say that I have achieved Top 15 Status for the past three weeks! If you live in my area, please be sure to contact me to find out how we can work together to share this wonderful opportunity with your family or group...
Click on the linky to learn more:
Fishful Thinking is comprised of five Key Ingredients:
Optimism: Focusing on the positive things in life.
Emotional Awareness: Expressing and controlling your feelings
Goal Setting/Hope: Finding ways to achieve your goals.
Resilience: Coping with life's ups and downs.
Empowerment: Identifying and using your strengths and skills.
Spring Cleaning - Bag It Up! My daughter Kristen and I worked together to identify our personal negative self-talk as discussed in the Week 2 Activity. I really loved this activity so much. It was great launching point for she and I to talk about how young ladies (especially) can slip into negative self-talk and mental clutter! We talked about her math experiences at school earlier in the year when she was really beating herself up unnecessarily about her math grades and comprehension. Now, she is doing much better and understands the current concepts (all A's!!!). She was tickled to be able to write it all down, ball up the paper, and toss it into the "Giveaways" Bag. We'll hold on to the bag for future use!
My favorite comment from Krissy during the activity:
"I've been beating myself up about my math work, but now "SO WHAT" - I'm all good!"
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