KaBOOM!, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding and creating play spaces within walking distance for every child, has embarked on a nationwide mission to help communities build playspaces. MomCentral has teamed with KaBOOM! to help map online 100,000 playspaces in 100 days. Here's what counts as a playspace: a playground, field, a skate park, roller hockey rink, lake, dog park, community center, basketball court or ice rink - any place where kids can engage in unstructured play for free or a nominal fee. A playspace listing on KaBOOM! consists of an address or cross street and a description, one photo and one rating. It's easy and fun to do on their website or a twitpic from your cellphone!
For every play space entered into the KaBOOM! database on behalf of the Mom Central team, $1 will be donated to Jumpstart, a non-profit that brings at-risk preschool children and caring adults together to improve literacy. Wow!
This will be a great resource for every community member - imagine being able to now go online to the KaBOOM! site and in a few clicks identify a number of fun places to visit when family or friends come to visit or when you go on a vacation to a new location.
Visit their website today at http://playspacefinder.kaboom.org/teams/2761-momcentral to enter a playspace or visit with your little friends!
Amazon Kindle 2 prize package offered again this week!
by alynsen
This week in the KaBOOM! Playspace Finder 100,000 Playspaces in 100 Days campaign, you could win an Amazon Kindle 2 and an autographed copy of Julianne Hough's debut album!
Just as a refresher, if you:
- Join a team, and
- Add a valid new playspace (including a photo and a rating)
- OR complete an existing playspace listing
Before 10 a.m. Eastern time Monday, May 4, then you’ll be entered to win:
- An autographed copy of Julianne’s debut album
- AND an Amazon Kindle 2 as well!
.Every playspace you add or complete counts as an entry into the sweepstakes, so the more you add, the better your odds of winning!
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